Monday, July 16, 2012


never have, probably never will. not going to say NEVER, but probably not.

i just don't really get into the whole book reading thing. not even 50 shades. i know, i'm sooo not cool, right? that's okay. i'm fine with it. 

instead, i've come to love reading blogs. partially why i started my own back in the day. people's everyday lives, inspiring stories and creative ideas are just more interesting to me than made up characters and romantic love stories that are far from real-life love.

we can agree to disagree. that is if you disagree.

i'm always looking for a new blog to follow and quite often i will find a stranger's blog who i become insanely interested in. it's like that sex book - 50 shades - that people just can't put down. many of the blogs i enjoy reading because i can relate to their pregnancy story, or their parenting advice is greatly appreciated, i want their wardrobe, i find their DIYs to be just what i need or i just simply like their writing style. anyways, i decided that i should share some of my favorite reads.

besides finding the blogs i follow to the left <<<<

i'm also going to share a new blog each week whenever time allows so you can enjoy reading too.

just simply makes me so thankful for a healthy baby and so inspired by the kindness of this blog author's heart.
she has a big one. 

so, if you have a favorite blog, or have a blog of your own, please follow my blog and then leave your blog URL in the comments area below. i'd love to read about ya!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog has given me the hope that I can make mine just as interesting. I have recently started to try harder at my own blog and I still hope to improve on it. I love reading your blog and hearing all the stories about your marriage and parenting. Thank you.
